Friday, December 12, 2008

What Is The Best Network Marketing Company Out There?

So the question comes up all the time...What is the best network marketing company out there? And that's a good question. People all the time are searching for the best company with the best compensation plan with the best product. And the reason is usually the obvious - we all want to make money.

So when you start with a company and you plug along and give it a shot, and you are not seeing the results that you had hoped for, you find another company that looks better because you see people are being successful, so you jump over to that company. Well, that doesn't work either, right?

It's NOT about the company or the product or that the market is saturated or the economy is down, or whatever. It's about YOU. It's about you and what you know. It's about your knowledge and expertise.

What most companies don't teach you when you join a network marketing company, is actually how to market. Wow, what a concept.

What you need to do is get your hands on some marketing books and training courses, get on lists of top marketers and learn what they are doing and how they are doing it. Educate yourself, invest in yourself.

There are of course some very expensive training courses out there, but there is also a lot of information out there is free. A lot of top marketers are top marketers because they truly give of themselves and share their knowledge and expertise.

Go out there, learn everything you can about marketing, and then you can be successful in ANY business that you choose.

But you can't just stop there...then you must take action. More on that subject next time.

If you would like to learn more, visit my web site at

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Prosperous Home Based Business?

So what does it really take to have a prosperous home based business? I know some mistakes to avoid, that's for sure.
How about - You don’t have to know it all before starting. In other words, don’t spend every waking hour studying the product and compensation plan, or going over every scenario of what a prospect might say to you so that you can come up with the right answer. It’s o.k. to not know the answer all the time. The compensation plan will unfold later and happen for you. Just have a web site or recorded call in place to direct your prospects to.

Another thing to know when starting a prosperous home based business is that you don’t need perfection before implementing. What that means is believing that your web site needs to be perfect, or videos need to be flawless, or autoresponder e-mails have to be perfect and scripts needs to be perfect as well. Those who make money do this: Do their best and implement. Improve as they go. Massive implementation without fear of failure. Basically take action immediately.

Here's another one...Don’t worry about what others will think. If you are afraid that you look like you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s o.k. to say “Good question, I will get back with you on that. What other questions do you have?” and then call them back with the answers. Be confident in yourself and your product. What about your family and peers? Why do you care what they think? Worrying about what others think is really about fear of rejection.

Also - When starting a prosperous home based business, you have to realize that it is a real business and must be treated that way. Don’t have the attitude “try it and see if it works.” Put time into your business (10 hours minimum) every week. Don’t expect someone else to do it all for you, and then blame others for failure instead of taking responsibility to learn. Prioritize what tasks need to be done and make them happen.

Finally, which is a MUST HAVE, is Personal Development. What is personal development? “It’s the transforming of your mind, habits and behaviors that allows you to have tremendous success in all areas of your life.” You should practice personal development at least 20 minutes every day. Some ideas for personal development would be reading personal growth books, successful people stories, mindset, etc. Write out a detailed goal sheet – a plan for your life. Physically touch your future – test drive that car. And visualization – make a vision board and post the pictures of everything you want on that board.

Although there are many other tips and secrets to starting a prosperous home based business, these top five are key in making it a success.

If you would like to learn more about building your own home based business, visit my web site at

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Top Residual Income

Here is an article I wrote recently on:

"Tips On Earning Top Residual Income."
Most people in network marketing or multi-level marketing today joined in the opportunity in order to earn top residual income. First off, what is residual income? The definition from states:

"Residual Income (also called Passive Income) is income earned on an ongoing basis for effort done once in the past."

So in order to earn top residual income, it would be assumed that you want to start a business with a company that:
1) offers an incredible commission structure, and
2) offers income to be paid for many levels, or better yet, to infinity.

Many MLM companies offer anywhere from 4% - 15% commission overrides, and that is where the residual income comes in. However, there are some companies out there today, that are not like a traditional MLMs, and offer top residual income per sale of anywhere from $500 to $1,000.

Many marketers today are turning away from the traditional MLM companies and joining other higher commission companies because it's extremely hard to succeed with small commissions on the products being sold, and a continual effort of trying to maintain a team. So much time is involved with training new team members, ultimately for free, in the hopes of having an "ace" come on board, and many times, the person that was trained drops out after only a couple of months because they have seen no progress and no money coming in.

Some of the non-traditional network marketing companies out there today offer the commissions up front AND the residual income on the back end, so the mentor or team leader is motivated by making the sale and earning a hefty commission on the front end, as well as motivated to train the new team member because they know they will earn top residual income down the road for many levels, if not into infinity.

It is true that many network marketers that are in traditional MLM do make some money. But with a 97% failure rate - the majority never make a dime in this industry. It's upsetting and sad...but also very true.

Tips to Earning Top Residual Income:

Tip - Pick a company that offers an excellent commission and compensation plan.

Tip - Pick a company that offers a product that has longevity, and make sure there is an actual product being sold.

Tip - Be willing to take the time to learn from the top earners in the company.

Tip - Be willing to implement what you learn into your business.

Doing due diligence is crucial when it comes to picking a company that will allow you to earn top residual income.

It doesn't matter if it's traditional or non-traditional network marketing, it does take work to build a business in order to earn residual income at all. But it doesn't have to be hard work, it just needs to be smart work.

If you would like to learn more about my marketing techniques - visit my web site: and

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Top 3 Mistakes Network Marketers Make

When you first start out in a network marketing business, there are some mistakes that are often made. Hopefully some newbies (and even seasoned marketers) can avoid those mistakes with my help.

The first mistake you may make as a network marketer, is that you might underestimate the number of people that you need to talk to in order to be hugely succesful. A lot of people would like to believe that they can just find a couple of people that are interested in the business and in starts rolling the residual income. In reality, most people say "no" to the business. In fact, it's only about 3% of prospects that will join you in the business. It's important to have the mindset of what Mark Weisser calls "the SWs": Some will, some won't, so what, somebody's always waiting.

The second mistake is not taking action. So many marketers join in a business, then spend weeks and weeks, studying and trying the product, studying the corporate web site, trying to learn all they can about the compensation plan. That's a mistake because it doesn't generate anything. When you first sign up into business, you are so excited...that's the perfect time to recruit new reps because you generate excitement in other people. Keep that excitement rolling, it's infectious. Don't wait until you know everything you possibly can.

The third mistake would be in trying to sell and convince someone. First of all, people don't like to be sold. People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold. And you should not try to convince someone to join you. If you have to spend a ton of time convincing them to join you in your business, you are going to have to spend that much more time trying to get the prospect to actually DO the business. It's completely not worth it.

What you want to do is interview your prospects, and actually make sure they are someone you really want to work with. Then you give them the information about the product or service by sending them to a web site, a video, or a live presentation, and then let them decide. You don't need to chase after them. If the business is right for them, then it's a win-win for both of you.

If you would like to learn more, check my personal web site:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Scared of Using YouTube?

I recently learned that YouTube is watched more than t.v. That in itself is amazing to me...more than t.v.? Really? Wow.

So I guess it's safe to say that marketing online using YouTube as a marketing tool would be a good idea - considering how much it's viewed, right? Absolutely!

So what if you're camera shy? I know I was. It's kind of weird to see yourself for the first time, how you look on camera. I noticed that I talk with one side of my mouth more than the other, and I say "um" a lot and I also open my eyes too wide sometimes. But, this is me. It's how I am. And I realize that.

Of course I want my videos to look good and get my message across in a good way so that my audience can really perceive my message - and I'm in no way going to be perfect.

I guess the only way to get rid of the nervousness in front of the camera is to just do it. Like the nervousness most of us felt the first time we needed to start calling prospects. Wow - that phone felt like it weighed 200 lbs. the first time I tried calling people. Eh - it's a growing process...after all, they are just people on the other end of the phone line, or sitting at their computer watching your video.

So I say, just go for it, put yourself out there. Let yourself be seen, in all your flaws and everything. It might even make you more approachable if you're not so perfect. And maybe your prospects will have more confidence in themselves that they can do it too.

And it's fun too.

If you want to see one of the things I'm doing for marketing right now, just check out my site at or give me a call...720.351.0936.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So What About Marketing On A Budget?

So if you're just starting out marketing, and you only have a little bit of cash on hand, how do you get up and running and get noticed and get prospects to your web site?

Well, there are several ways to do it without spending an arm and a leg.

When I got my first web site up and I was all excited and just revved up to go out there and tackle Google PPC advertising, I thought I knew what I was doing, and I ended up spending thousands of dollars for a few hundred leads...and only signed up a couple of people into my business. What a shock that was after a few months. I was pretty disappointed and broke.

I knew I had to find a better way to get seen, without spending all that money - especially money I didn't have! My budget was pretty tight. So...I learned some other methods of advertising that work quite well.

One HUGE way of advertising right now is to get videos up on YouTube. Right now it's free, and YouTube is watched more that television these day! Unbelievable! So maybe you're a bit nervous to put up a video...I think everyone feels that way at first. But after a few vids, it becomes easier and easier to put yourself out there in front of people. And it can be fun too!

Another way of advertising would be to write articles. It's mildly time consuming, but once you submit your article and you start seeing your work out there, and it's organic traffic and free leads, you'll understand that a few minutes writing articles every week is totally worth it. is the most trafficked web site in the whole world. I would definitely start there!

Of course there are blogs, like this one. Blogging is another great source of providing traffic to your web site. And they are also fun because you really get to be yourself in your blog.

I use all three of these methods for my business and I found that it really does pay off to be constant and consistent.

If you want to check out more about what I'm doing, check out my web site at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Treating The Home Business Like A Real Business

If you've walked the trail of tears and are a seasoned network marketer like me, you've most likely been in a few different companies and may have even failed in those companies. What went wrong? Why weren't you able to just set up shop and start raking in the dough?

I have found that one of the reasons that most marketers fail is that they treat their businesses like a weekend hobby and not like a real business.

Most of us are trained to work for other people and not work for ourselves. So we always have that "employee" hat on and not the "employer" hat on. If you're an employee, you're probably just waiting for someone to tell you what to do. If you're in a business for yourself right now - would you hire yourself, or fire yourself? In the past I would have fired myself many times over.
How do you find the discipline to really get out there and put the employer hat on?

For me, it took a ton of education about what to do first. I still educate myself every day. Now I find that I have the discipline that it takes to be my own boss, and understand that my business is real, and not just a hobby that I throw money at.

Treating the home business like a real business is truly a necessity in order to see the success that we all want from our network marketing businesses.

By the way...if you want to know a little more about one of my fun business ventures, visit my site at Wealth In