Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Treating The Home Business Like A Real Business

If you've walked the trail of tears and are a seasoned network marketer like me, you've most likely been in a few different companies and may have even failed in those companies. What went wrong? Why weren't you able to just set up shop and start raking in the dough?

I have found that one of the reasons that most marketers fail is that they treat their businesses like a weekend hobby and not like a real business.

Most of us are trained to work for other people and not work for ourselves. So we always have that "employee" hat on and not the "employer" hat on. If you're an employee, you're probably just waiting for someone to tell you what to do. If you're in a business for yourself right now - would you hire yourself, or fire yourself? In the past I would have fired myself many times over.
How do you find the discipline to really get out there and put the employer hat on?

For me, it took a ton of education about what to do first. I still educate myself every day. Now I find that I have the discipline that it takes to be my own boss, and understand that my business is real, and not just a hobby that I throw money at.

Treating the home business like a real business is truly a necessity in order to see the success that we all want from our network marketing businesses.

By the way...if you want to know a little more about one of my fun business ventures, visit my site at Wealth In