Thursday, November 13, 2008

Top 3 Mistakes Network Marketers Make

When you first start out in a network marketing business, there are some mistakes that are often made. Hopefully some newbies (and even seasoned marketers) can avoid those mistakes with my help.

The first mistake you may make as a network marketer, is that you might underestimate the number of people that you need to talk to in order to be hugely succesful. A lot of people would like to believe that they can just find a couple of people that are interested in the business and in starts rolling the residual income. In reality, most people say "no" to the business. In fact, it's only about 3% of prospects that will join you in the business. It's important to have the mindset of what Mark Weisser calls "the SWs": Some will, some won't, so what, somebody's always waiting.

The second mistake is not taking action. So many marketers join in a business, then spend weeks and weeks, studying and trying the product, studying the corporate web site, trying to learn all they can about the compensation plan. That's a mistake because it doesn't generate anything. When you first sign up into business, you are so excited...that's the perfect time to recruit new reps because you generate excitement in other people. Keep that excitement rolling, it's infectious. Don't wait until you know everything you possibly can.

The third mistake would be in trying to sell and convince someone. First of all, people don't like to be sold. People like to buy, but they don't like to be sold. And you should not try to convince someone to join you. If you have to spend a ton of time convincing them to join you in your business, you are going to have to spend that much more time trying to get the prospect to actually DO the business. It's completely not worth it.

What you want to do is interview your prospects, and actually make sure they are someone you really want to work with. Then you give them the information about the product or service by sending them to a web site, a video, or a live presentation, and then let them decide. You don't need to chase after them. If the business is right for them, then it's a win-win for both of you.

If you would like to learn more, check my personal web site:

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